
The long tradition of workshops previously held since 2004 in Kaiserslautern, Bonn, Leipzig, Zandvoort, Regensburg, Florence, Budapest, Münster, Rennes, Regensburg, Sofia, Kassel, Berlin, Cluj-Napoca, Uppsala and Bristol will be continued with the 17th European Workshop on Phosphorus Chemistry in Rennes, France. This workshop series has a strong reputation for fruitful exchanges of ideas, opinions and excellent discussions. The aspects of phosphorus chemistry covered by this workshop span organic, inorganic, polymers, materials chemistry, and biological chemistry.


Our plenary speaker will be Pr. S. Yamaguchi (Nagoya University, Japan, http://orgreact.chem.nagoya-u.ac.jp/olddocs/en/Home.html). The workshop gives early-stage researchers the opportunity to communicate their work to the leading European research groups in phosphorus chemistry. The program will include oral contributions from Ph.D. students (15 + 5 min, 1 presentation per research group) and poster sessions (no limitations).  Students will also chair the sessions of oral contributions.  Prizes for best oral contributions, posters, and chairs will be awarded (sponsorship from RSC Dalton Trans. and New. J. Chem).



/var/folders/n6/2cyk8jm94p14wqqck04prhz00000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/s-yamaguchi2.jpgShigehiro Yamaguchi is a professor at Nagoya University. He graduated from Kyoto University in 1991 and received his Dr. Eng. from Kyoto University in 1997. He worked with Professor Kohei Tamao at the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University as an Assistant Professor from 1993. He also spent a year to work with Professor Timony M. Swager at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA as a visiting scholar from 2000 to 2001. He joined Nagoya University as an Associate Professor in 2003 and promoted to a full Professor in 2005. Prof. Yamaguchi’s research interests include the materials chemistry on the basis of main group chemistry. Making use of specific effects of main group elements, particularly boron, silicon and phosphorus, he has so far produced a range of molecules with both fascinating structures and properties, which can serve numerous purposes, such as anion sensors, light emitters, and electron-transporting materials.He is also currently engaged in a project that aims at the development of fluorescence probes for bioimaging. His contributions have been recognized with a number of research awards, such as the JSPS Award (2013), the Mukaiyama Award (2015), the Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work (2016), Merck-Karl Pfister Visiting Professor in Organic Chemistry, MIT (2017), and Humboldt Research Award (2019). He also serves as an Associate Editor of Organic Letters.











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